
Monday, May 16, 2005

Down Day

So today I was feeling down. I'm having a lot of trouble in the area where resentments are concerned. This is in regards to my mother. I'm feeling guilty because I know I'm complaining and criticizing, but I get so frustrated because I see so much of her in me. I've always had an image problem- physically and mentally. My mother is extremely concerned about her weight and always has been. Growing up, I remember her thinking she was overweight when she weighed less than me! She has always been on a diet; weight has been a huge issue in my household. So of course, I developed an eating disorder- I've been bulimic on and off for the past 10 years. Now my digestive system is all messed up as a result. I could have died, but God has kept me. I'm so grateful for this.

I still look at myself and think I'm overweight- I know it is absurd, people tell me, but that is just how I feel. EVERY day I see my mother look me up and down. I grew up with comments about the way I look- and I'm not saying they were all bad, but that was always the focus. I know there are things a lot worse in life, but I feel like I have to get this out. I feel bad even writing this, but I have to be honest. At home, especially around my mother, I feel the desire to binge. Please pray for me, as I know this hinders my walk with God.

Romans 7:15 "For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate."

I once read in my devotional (Oswald Chamber's "My Uptmost For His Highest," I highly recommend it) that when we look at people who have come against us, we are to see them as "perfect in Christ Jesus." Amen! Why can't I do this with my mother? I continue to take these resentments captive; they're thoughts I don't want to entertain.

Sorry to complain. I have to get out of my house more- being here, I feel like my focus is so easily swayed from God; it's like I am not seeing through the Spirit. Today my mother kept asking me what was wrong- I was in a bad place. Where is my witness? Shouldn't I have the joy of God in me? I hate feeling like this, but how I feel doesn't matter. What I know is what matters. I know God will never leave me nor forsake me, but still...I feel bad about this little pity party I'm having. I don't know if it is okay to feel bad; I feel bad that I feel bad (if that makes any sense).

God is so good and faithful, and I am so faithless. The other day, I asked God why He was blessing me so much when I've been so disobedient and faithless and selfish. I felt like the Holy Spirit said that He wants to show me that it is nothing I could ever earn; His gifts are out of pure, holy love. One of my greatest problems in my walk with Jesus is my legalistic attitude. Growing up a perfectionist, I feel like everything I do must be perfect and I must earn everything. It's so hard to simply accept and be grateful for what God has done. Instead, when I am being blessed I feel guilty. Crazy, right? Then I tell other people not to feel like that!

I know these feelings are fleeting- God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.


  • At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Steph, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Thanks for sharing it. Don't feel bad for feeling bad. You were made in the image of God. It ONLY matters how God sees you. You're the apple of his eye!! Don't ever forget that. Nothing else can dictate who or what you are. Not how you see yourself, or how your mom sees you, or what the doctors say about you, or even your family history. He sees you as absolutely beautiful, inside AND out.

    God loves you so, so much, see He just wants to shower you with blessings!! Of course you can't earn it, Jesus did that for you! You know that. Don't feel bad, He's walking you right through this.

    I'm so grateful that I met you, I just look at you and I get happy! I'm praying for you. Whenever you feel like talking or getting out of the house, just gimme a call :)

    your sis,


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