
Saturday, May 07, 2005

God is Awesome!

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!
Romans 11:33

What a incredibly blessed couple of nights it's been! I am so so grateful to God for what He is doing in our lives..."Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1) I never understood how good and pleasant it really is to fellowship; I've never experienced such unity. You know why? I've never been blessed with such an awesome group of believers. It's not us, but Christ in us who brings us together. Remember how Jesus said that people would know us by the love we have for eachother? Look at Thursday night; that kind of fellowship is supernatural. I'm still so excited about what God has been doing. I've just been thanking Him and thanking Him...everyone has such a love for Jesus. Isn't it awesome to feel part of a family, to understand one another, to be on the same plane...all because we love Jesus. Actually, ONLY because we love Jesus. He has opened these doors and made everything possible.

About 6 weeks ago I went up to the alter at church and had Pastor Morgan pray over me. You know for what? Friends. I wanted one good female friend, and look at how great He is...He blessed me with more than one good female friend, many friends, in fact...a Bible study and Stephen. Like we mentioned in Bible study, Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us"!

I left Bible study the other night more than happy, so elated, so JOYFUL, so JOY-FILLED! I was smiling while driving the whole way home.

The study was so great. John, thank you so so much for leading us in worship. I know it can be scary, almost...I'm really grateful you were obedient to the Lord. I believe we all felt the joy of the Lord because He was taking joy in our fellowship. It's all for Him, and He knows that that is our only intention- to know Him more. It's awesome to come together and glean from one another...God always has a word for each one of us.

Jars of Clay was awesome!!! They are so anointed; you can really feel their love for God. That was my first Christian concert. Sara, I can't wait for Soulfest! You know, Ashley Cleveland was so right when she said that the hymnals have such meaning to them. When I first came to First Assembly, I didn't like the hymns (being that I never grew up knowing them), but as time passed and I began attending Sunday night services, the depth of the songs began to penetrate. I forget the name of the last hymn she played (the one with Jars of Clay), but whatever it was, it really hit me. Oh the love of God! You know, I really have no understanding whatsoever of how great God's love is for us. Look at how He blesses us. I really cannot fathom it...I pray for revelation.

Another great part of the concert was when one of the members spoke about the disciples and the blind man. He mentioned how the disciples believed in their minds that the work was ahead of them, while Jesus stopped and did a great work right before them. That's how I am...going by my own agenda, thinking that I have to do this and that, ignoring the leading of the Holy Spirit and walking past the plan God had for me. So many times I think I'm doing it right, that I'm serving God the way I'm supposed to be serving Him, when it is all wrong. And then I am humbled again. But I learn. I mean, I want to learn. I can have the attitude of a Pharisee and not know it; I am grateful for God's conviction. I try to be still, but like you said Sara, the thoughts flood my mind. You know what? We should pray. But anyway, I really related to that.

The pizza was so good! That was the first time in over a year that I had cheese pizza. The fellowship was even better.

It is so exciting, walking through the new doors God opens daily. I pray to observe and appreciate more of them.

Happy Mother's Day to all!


  • At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It has been so awesome lately, huh!? God really has been working among us, it's so cool. The Bible Study, the fellowship, the concert, the dinner... it was so great being with everyone, and like you said, we are there because of Jesus! He's our unity! We do it for Him. Thoughts do flood our minds, and that's one of the hardest things for me to overcome in prayer. I remember one time you said that it's hard for you to sit still and pray. I don't know if you meant actually sitting still or keeping you mind still enough to totally focus on God. Well, it's both for me, so I could really relate when you said that. Sometimes I think He's saying to me, stop looking at that, I have this over here for you. To me, finding those open doors is so hard sometimes.
    I'm so glad that you are so joyful! You really have blessed me with your obvious love of the Lord! I'm so thankful that we've become friends!
    Sara :)

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Morris said…

    Gesh you put so much faith in God, when God is just a capitalist myth created to keep people in line.

    Ask Morris


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